Captioned "A Progressive Report of a Research carried out through the co-operation of the National Research Council, The Department of Indian Affairs, and The Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League under the direction of The Committee on Tuberculosis of The National Research Council.
Captioned "The purpose of the research undertaken at Fort Qu’Appelle is to determine the various factors of importance in the epidemic of tuberculosis among the Indians [Indigenous Peoples] of the Western Plains; to determine the nature of the germ causing this epidemic, whether bovine or human, or both; also to ascertain what practical preventive measures could be instituted which would reduce the frequency of the disease and the mortality from the same; furthermore, if advisable, to institute prophylactic vaccination against tuberculosis"
Captioned "It would now seem opportune to summarize the progress of this research to date as well as to report on the work we are now engaged in, so that you may view with perspective both present and future undertakings"
Collection contains documents from or pertaining to the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital collected by the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League.
Timeline with various entries related to Indigenous Peoples and tuberculosis including information on tuberculosis infections in Saskatchewan Residential Schools between 1932-1947.
Fonds contains artifacts accumulated by SATL pertaining to the Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital operated by the Department of Indian Affairs. The Fort Qu'Appelle Indian [Indigenous] Hospital was located across from the Fort San Sanatorium on Echo Lake.
Timeline with various entries related to Indigenous Peoples and tuberculosis ranging from new hospital beds being opened to tuberculosis tests performed on cattle at Residential Schools.