Image of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) on a duck hunt at Fort San. Captioned "Prince of Wales and Jack Leader with mountie hat at Leaders point after the hunt in 1919.
The Prince of Wales at the Great War Veterans' Association Home. Sir Richard Lake (Lieutenant-Governor of Saskatchewan) to his right; Colonel James McAra (later mayor of Regina) to Lake's right. F.B. Bagshaw to the left of the Prince in background.
Studio portrait of William A. Cunning and his sons, all of whom served in the First World War. The photo was signed by Edward, Prince of Wales, on his 1919 tour. Left to right: Walter A. Cunning; Leonard F. Cunning, Back: Inspector W.A. Cunning. Front: Inspector Cecil A. Cunning; N. Howard Cunning.
Image of the Prince of Wales (Edward VIII) meeting with Mr. A.B. Cook of the Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League. Dr. Boughton can be seen in the background.