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Mayhew - Enterprise, Ken
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A. C. Steward Q.C., M.P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building

A. C. Stewart Q. C., M. P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building, December 6, 1952. Left; Otto Fietz, Kent Matheson, H. M. Bailey- City Engineer, Dr. M. C. Novak-Alderman, Dr. C. J. Houston - M. H. O., W. H. Morrison-Alderman, Mayor C. G. Langrill, A. C. Stewart Q. C., M.P., A. L. McBurney- Alderman, S. Surjik, Ken. Mayhew - Enterprise, Hugh McKenzie - Alderman, H. H. Jackson - City Clerk, W. Johnston - Alderman, F. Steele - Alderman. A. C. Steward Q.C., M.P., turning the first sod for the New Federal Building