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Only top-level descriptions Berlin School District No. 1958 Schools - Districts√
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Rolles, Muriel fonds

  • 2002-08
  • Fonds
  • 2002

The fonds contains two scanned photographs of Berlin S.D. # 1958 school children. The original photographs date between the years 1928 and 1964. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The donor, Muriel Rolles, was a teacher at Berlin S.D. #1958 and the photographs are from her personal collection.

Rolles, Muriel

Henning, Margaret fonds

  • MHG
  • Fonds
  • 2002

The fonds contains scanned copies of black and white photographs from Margaret Henning's private collection. The original photographs date form the 1920's to the 1960's. They were scanned at 300 dpi with 16 million colors. The photographs are of Berlin S.D. #1958, Napoleon S.D. #3294, Jones S.D. #1483, South Star S.D. #1333, Queen's Park S.D. #377, and Prescott S.D. #3935.