Affichage de 5 résultats

Archival description
Nisbet, James
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4 résultats avec objets numériques Afficher les résultats avec des objets numériques

Nisbet Mission House

Early buildings in Prince Albert. From left to right: original Presbyterian mission school building, Reverend James Nisbet's mission house, store of T.O. Davis, Buffalo Hall. Viewed from the present corner of Central and River Street West facing west

Bio/historical note: Nisbet's mission house later became the Northwest Mounted Police barracks, T.O. Davis' store later became the Savoy Cafe

Nisbet party cairn

Nisbet party cairn on the south bank of the North Saskatchwan River. Cairn reads: "At or near this spot in August 1866, 66 days after leaving the Lord Selkirk Colony on the Red River, the founders of Prince Albert made their first camp within what is now the city limits. The members of the party were Rev. James Nisbet, Mrs. Misbet, Mary Nisbet (child), George Flett, Mrs. Flett, William McBeth, John McKay, Mrs. McKay, Mary M. McKay (child), C Tina McKay (child), Alex Polson. Erected by the Prince Albert Historical Society Sept. 8, 1924"