Interior of Tufnell's Mens Store in the Peltier Block
- IHM.2021.0032
- Item
- [190-?]
Part of Businesses Collection
Photograph of the inside of John Tufnell's Store in the Peltier Block (see IHM.2021.0031)
Interior of Tufnell's Mens Store in the Peltier Block
Part of Businesses Collection
Photograph of the inside of John Tufnell's Store in the Peltier Block (see IHM.2021.0031)
The old Peltier Block at the corner of Water Street and Grand Avenue
Part of Town Collection
Photograph of the Peltier (Pelletier) Block including two shops - Hamilton Brothers Furniture and Tufnell's Mens Store. There are three men in the doorway of the former and one man in the doorway of the latter.