16-page document prepared for London, Ontario "Historic House Signs" (HHS) project. The house was built in 1877 by William and Euphemia Dixon who later moved to Indian Head.
High-quality photograph of 816 Grand Avenue. Reverse says "Chauncey Moore's parents (ask Allan Braithwaite) Euphemia Dixon". Mrs. Dixon is likely the woman on the verandah in the photo.
Newsclippings include: John Newton Burrill obituary (1959); Albert Amyotte cairn (1979); Ray S. Crawford boyhood memories (1999); Creston L. Dixon - name of Dixon Park (ca. 1990); Herbert Sauder - fire fighter (ca. 1910); Dr. John Wesley Kemp obituary (ca. 1920); Nancy Hockley - opera mezzo-soprano (ca. 1990); Alice Ford - honoured pioneer (1969)