- FS-004-0066
- Item
- [1917-1971]
Part of Fort San fonds
Postcard showing Dr. Ferguson's Office.
Part of Fort San fonds
Postcard showing Dr. Ferguson's Office.
Part of Fort San fonds
Image showing Dr. Ferguson's Office.
Leader Post Article Regarding Dr. Kirkby
Part of Prince Albert Sanatorium fonds
"He had a grudge against TB" by Jeanne Inch. Published in the Leader Post. Prince Albert. Date unknown. The article describes a interview with Dr. Kirkby regarding his life, work, and relationship with Dr. Ferguson.
Part of Fort San fonds
Image of a league gathering. Captioned with a list: "2 Daisy Orr, Mr. White, Dr. Austin Symes, Ken More, 4 Dr. Boughton, Mr. Andy Callun, Bob Roberts"
Saskatchewan Anti-Tuberculosis League
Photograph of Dr. Ferguson with wife Helen.
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Black and white photograph of Dr. Robert G. Ferguson with his wife Helen, in the Fort San gardens.
Ferguson, Robert George (Dr.)
Postcard from Beauval Indian [Indigenous] Residential School
Part of Dr. Robert George Ferguson fonds
Postcard sent to Dr. Ferguson from Fr. Francois Xavier Gagnon, Principal of the Beauval Indian [Indigenous] Residential School located in Lac La Plonge. Captioned "Indian [Indigenous] Residential School. Beauval, Sask. Little souvenir from Beauval to Dr. Ferguson. Many thanks for your past, present and kindness to our mission work and our Indians [Indigenous Peoples]. Fr. X. Gagnon O.M.J Principal"
Gagnon, Francois Xavier (Fr.)
Part of Book Collection
272-page book with biographies of 28 country doctors in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, including maps and b&w photographs. Dr. Robert George Ferguson of Fort San (Fort Qu'Appelle) (pp 203-220) and Dr. Fredrick W. Hart of Indian Head (pp 221-224) are two of the doctors.