Two copies of a 24-page magazine about the "First Global World Series" held in 1955 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. One is opened and one still sealed. The magazine contains an article about Jimmy E. Robison from Indian Head, then the Canadian Commissioner of Baseball . Canada was represented in the tournament by the Saskatoon Gems.
Three typewritten pages - letter from J.E. (Jimmy) Robison to Jim Williams in Jacksonville, Florida, toutlining the items to be fulfilled in the contract for the summer of 1950.
A 6-page submission, including a covering letter (undated) to the Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame, nominating Jimmy Robison of Indian Head and summarizing his activities and accomplishments to support the nomination. The nomination cites his work as a builder and leader and an :organizer and promoter extraordinaire" Starting in 1947, Robison led the committee that organized the annual baseball tournament in Indian Head, labelled "Western Canada's Greatest Baseball Tournament" attracting up to 25.000 fans over the two days of the event.
Fourteen single pages, each being a Player Registration Agreement between the Indian Head Rocket Baseball Club, represented by J.E. (Jimmy) Robison, president and C. Hunt, and individual players.