Affichage de 2 résultats

Archival description
Clare, Frederick Alexander
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Frederick A. Clare fonds

  • PR 12
  • Fonds
  • 1933–1946

The fonds consists of 4 small notebooks created and used by Rev. Frederick A. Clare, during his time as an ordained minister: a diary (1937); a notebook (1940-1942); pocket record book (1933-1946), with information about church officers, communion services, members, baptisms, marriages, and burials for various Saskatchewan locations; and a notebook recording translations of 421 English words into Cree and/or Salteaux, as well as financial accounts information and additional notes.

Sans titre

Biographies collection

  • FG 20
  • Collection
  • ca.1903–2001

The collection consists of primarily textual materials relating to various ministers and other lay people associated with the United Church, in Saskatchewan. Contents include obituaries, newspaper articles, pamphlets, programs, publications, and various other documents containing biographical information. Some are accompanied by portraits.