Canada Remembers Committee records
- SCM-RG-0001-0004
- Series
- 1883-01-01 - ?
Part of City of Swift Current fonds
The fonds, related to the Canada Remembers Committee, was acquired by the source during its lifetime. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
Folder #1, Invoices (Unpaid): invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion
Folder #2, Invoices Pd. (2nd file done): invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion
Folder #3, Invoices Paid: invoices pertaining to the 1995 Canada Remembers celebration in SC, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion
Folder #4, Info Presented To City Council: correspondence, financial information, pertaining to a banquet and dance held on May 6 1995, part of the Canada Remembers celebration organized by the Royal Canadian Legion
Folder #5, Canada Remembers (agenda): information about events that are part of the Canada Remembers celebration, organized by the Royal Canadian Legion
Folder #6, Minutes: minutes of the Canada Remembers Committee, February 22, March 7, April 5, 9, 18, May 2, 23 1995
Folder #7, Correspondence: letters sent from Canada Remembers to provincial branches; correspondence between the Royal Canadian Legion SC Branch and the Canada Remembers Committee; brochures for Canada Remembers commemorative material; request to Abilities Council for bus transportation; Canada Remembers newsletter Issue #2, April 1995
Folder #8, Hymns & Songs: printed lyrics of 5 different hymns
Folder #9, Letterhead (Canada Remembers): SC's version of the Canada Remembers letterhead, with the Legion's address and phone number
Folder #10, Letters Rec'd: correspondence re: establishing a Canada Remembers committee in SC; events organized by the Canada Remembers Committee, especially a parade and a "Fly Past" by the CFB in Moose Jaw; funding from City of SC
Folder #11, Letters (sent out): copies of correspondence from the SC Canada Remembers Committee, re: financial information, thank you letters to participants, reports on events, invitations to events
Folder #12, Logo (Canada Remembers): written explanation of the Canada Remembers logo
Folder #13, (May 6-8 INFO): programs for the dedication of cairn commemorating BCATP; programs for May 6 - 8 events; text of a speech entitled "Canada Remembers"; list of wreaths that are laid; text of a speech by Roy Spence; City of SC's Proclamation/Flag Raising Policy
Folder #14, Miscellaneous (War Brides Brochure Info.): annotated copy of an agenda for May 6 - 8; list of songs; phone numbers and addresses of women (war brides?)
Folder #15, Newspaper Clippings: excerpts from the SC Sun and the Southwest Booster, re: Canada Remembers events in SC
Folder #16, Promospec Order Forms re: T-shirts, sweatshirts, etc.: brochures and order forms for Canada Remembers souvenirs
Folder #17, Rental Agreement (Legion Hall): rental agreement between Jack Brown and the Legion Hall for May 6 1995 for $400, plus a late closing charge
Folder #18, Southwest Cr. Union (Bank Statements): 'Canada Remembers (Swift Current)' bank statements, care of Linda Wiebe, for March 31 to November 31, 1995
Folder #19, Banquet Tickets (May 6 1995): tickets, posters, other misc. documents re: Canada Remembers Banquet
Folder #20, Jack Brown: copies of correspondence from Jack Brown, outstanding bills
Folder #21, Myrle Clark: copy of correspondence from Myrle Clark re: SC Canada Remembers activities
Folder #22, Ivor Clifton: copies of correspondence from Ivor Clifton, other correspondence; document re: Sherman Tank at the Armoury; order for the "Korea 1950 - 1953" plaque on the Centotaph at Memorial Park
Folder #23, Len Horvey; documents and correspondence pertaining to outreach to schools, re: Canada Remembers; information package from the Canada Remembers Saskatchewan Committee
Folder #24, Noble Irwin: correspondence from Irwin as Canada Remembers Chairman, including financial information, thank you letters, event reports, invitations to events, dedication of cairn commemorating BCATP, CFB Moose Jaw "Fly Past", meeting agendas, etc.
Folder #25, Harv Wiebe: Canada Remembers newsletter, Issue #1 March 1995; annotated itinerary for the May 6 - 8 events; notes, correspondence, documents pertaining to the May 6 - 8 Canada Remembers event, bank statement for November 30 1995
Volume #1: blue Credit Union cheque book for Canada Remembers, with cheque stubs from March 27 to June 27 1995, and June 27 to 1995 to February 11 1997
Volume #2: Canada Remembers receipt book, May to December 1995
Volume #3: account book, used to keep track of Canada Remembers income and expenses, 1994 - 1995
Discrete items:
1: letter from the City of SC re: returning Canada Remembers committee files and documents and closing down the bank account, March 5 1997
City of Swift Current