Southwest Saskatchewan Writers Project fonds
- SCM-RG-0073
- Fonds
- 26 June 2007
The fonds, related to the Southwest Saskatchewan Writers Project, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
-File # 1 – Southwest Saskatchewan Writers Project: Meeting Minutes; January, 1987.
-File # 2 – Southwest Writers’ Project Annual Report; 1995-1996.
-File # 3 – Swift Current Resident Writer: Budget and Review Committee; 1997.
-File # 4 – Swift Current Arts Council; March - April, 1997 (2 copies)
-File # 5 – Swift Current and Area Artist in Residence Program: Application and Programme Objectives; 1997-1998.
-File # 6 – Resident Writer for Swift Current and Area: Rod MacIntyre; 1997-1998.
-File # 7 – Resident Writer for Swift Current and Area: Newspaper Articles; 1997.
-File # 8 – Resident Writer for Swift Current and Area: Reports; September, 1997-February, 1998.
-Rolled up copies of posters, along with other identified items.
Southwest Saskatchewan Writers Project