- SCM-RG-0056
- Fonds
- 15 October 1999
The fonds, related to the Prairieville Rural Telephone Company, were accumulated by the source. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
1- Minute book – January 1970 – April 1987
2- Telephone book account book, 1974 – 1988
3- Envelope:
- “Mr. Kevin Waker”
- Notice of special meeting
- SaskTel bills: January 1987 – February 1988
- Annual financial statement, 1985
- Statement of Assets and Liabilities
- Receipt book, March 1975 – April 1985
- Envelope with receipts
- Letters from SaskTel, re: wind up of Rural Telephone Company
- “Request to Wind up a Rural Telephone Company under Sect 101 of the Rural Telephone Act”
- Financial statement
4- Account book 1962 – 1987
Prairieville Rural Telephone Company