Royal Canadian Legion Number 56 fonds
- SCM-RG-0067
- Fonds
- 1915 - 1968
The fonds, related to the 14th Canadian Hussars, were accumulated by the source over the time of its existance. No other information was captured at the time of transfer to the Swift Current Museum.
The content has not been professionally appraised, arranged, or described. The following is a basic listing of the unprocessed contents:
- Silver wooden key- 35th Anniversary 209th Battalion; Shaunavon, 1951
- Folder- 209th Battalion correspondence 1950’s
- Folder- 2 Ribbons: Battalion Assoc. Annual Reunion, 48th and 50th
- Booklet: 209th Overseas Battalion CEF nominal rolls June 1916
- March Itinerary 1916
- Association Fund 1936
- Newspaper clippings, “Colonel Smyth visits city” 1916
- Booklet: “Canadian Expeditionary Force 209th Battalion 1917, Nominal Roll of
Officers, Men and Non- Commissioned Men” - Booklet “Canadian Overseas Expeditionary Force nominal Roll”, November 1916
- 14th Canadian Hussars Regimental newsletter, 1968
- List of service men
- 39th Annual Reunion 1955, program and SK Golden Jubilee folder
- Program- 209th Battalion Association 50th Anniversary, 1966
- Correspondence from House of Commons, Ottawa and Swift Current, re: 209th Battalion CEF (1929-1935) (3 examples)
(In a manila envelope, also contains all ribbons and programs except 39th (1955)) - Notice – Department of National Defense- Army re: Battle Honors 19/22nd Saskatchewan Horse
- Wooden Clipboard – Various correspondence, memos, financial statements from 209th Batt. Association (Swift Current),1958
- Book- Minutes: November 1919- June 1941 and letter to Reg Milborn Esq. re: Compilation of Battalion’s history (October 1958)
- Program: “D” company 128th Battalion Swift Current SK, Dinner, 1915
- Program: Canadian Legion, 10th Annual Armistice banquet, 1928
- Program: 20th Anniversary reunion, 1936
- Program: 40th Anniversary reunion, 1956
- Program: Great War Veterans’ Association 2nd Annual Banquet, 1920
- Photograph: Boxing team 8th Canadian Reconnaissance Regiment, 1943
- Photograph: Men at banquet (Welcome… 1914-1918) 8th Recce
- Photograph: Canadian Army Champion- England 1943, Army Tabloid Sports
- List of Necessary Articles
- Photograph of army men
- Book: “Squadron – Battery or Company book” 1916, rank, name, number etc…
- “B” log, 209th Battalion (Maj. M. X. Macpherson) [b.x.11]
- Little Black Binder: list of recruits and dates of engagements, etc. (1914 – 1918)
- Leather band ribbon – 209th Battalion Assoc. 47th annual reunion, 1963
- Ribbon- 209th Battalion Assoc. 48th annual Reunion, 1964
- Ribbon- 209th Battalion Assoc. 50th annual Reunion, 1966
Manila Envelope:
- Letter: to editor of “The Legionary”, re: publishing of 209th Battalion Association 44th reunion announcement
- Announcement, re: 209th Batt. Association annual reunion, 1959
- Announcement re: 209th Batt. Association annual reunion, 1960