Beverley School-Teacher's Records
- SCM-RG-0005-002-001
- File
- 1951-1967
Part of Beverley fonds
This file contains a log book from the Beverley School as well as multiple loose papers which include:
.1- Teacherage Book of Beverley School #1172, 1948-1967, including inventory of the teacherage
.2 – Loose papers from inside book:
Nomination papers for C.A. Cooper and Sam Sauder, Jan 22, 1964
Caretaking Agreement (in envelope), Leonard Schafer, 1963 – 1964
Nomination paper for C.A. Cooper, 1966
School Officials, 1964 report form
School Calendar, 1966-1967, teacher appointment notices for Muriel Dyck,
1966 and Lea Albers, 1966, in envelope
School Officials, 1965 report form
School Officials, 1966 report form, form 35c
School Officials, 1966 report form, form 35u
Nomination papers for Henry Dyck, Jan 21, 1967
School Officials, 1967 report form
School Officials, blank report form
Nomination paper, blank, 5 copies
Nomination paper for B.A. Castle, Jan 21, 1967
Exercise book containing random minutes, 1964 – 1967
School Inventory, June 29, 1951
Beverley School children list, 1953 – 1961
Free Text back order clip, June 3, 1949
Invoice for fire extinguisher, January 7, 1949
Invoice for water cooler, February 24, 1949
Receipt: “Christmas Grant / Beverley” (21$)
Invoice for paper towels (Moyer School Supplies Ltd.)
Beverley School District Number 1172