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Jubilee School (Indian Head)
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Jubilee School District #1122 1905-1955 Photo Album

A large album with 35 pages of photos of the Jubilee SD 1122 and its students as well as official documents and letters. Attached to the inside back cover is paper-clipped an 8-page document with details of trustees, teachers and teachers' salaries from 1905 to 1955.

Jubilee School

Jubilee School - 1907

A photograph of Jubilee School in 1907 with its students and teachers lined up outside it.

Front row L to R Dave Hamilton - Wm. Black - Will Livingstone - Roy Norton - Pat Holden - J. H. Wilson - Hugh McDermaid- Harold Wilson - George McDermaid

Back row L to R Ethel Livingstone (Mrs. Lloyd Brooks) - Miss Smith (Teacher) -Elizabeth Holden (Mrs. F. Middleton) - Ruby Livingstone (Mrs. H. Miles).

Jubilee School

Evelyn Murdoch's History Report

A 1-page hand-written report on the unification of upper and lower Canada. Written by Evelyn Murdoch, a student of Jubilee School.

Murdoch, Evelyn

Certificate of Debenture for Jubilee SD 1122

Certificate of debenture by the province of Saskatchewan for Jubilee school 1122 to receive a loan of one-thousand dollars from the bank of Montreal (Indian Head branch) at 5.75% interest over fifteen years.