John Brown's Day Book 1889 - 1893
- IHM.2020.0350
- Item
- 1889 - 1893
Part of Businesses Collection
A blue and yellow hardcover notebook of hand-written notes that served as John Brown's day book for the years 1889 to 1893.
Brown, John
John Brown's Day Book 1889 - 1893
Part of Businesses Collection
A blue and yellow hardcover notebook of hand-written notes that served as John Brown's day book for the years 1889 to 1893.
Brown, John
John Brown's Day Book 1897 - 1898
Part of Businesses Collection
A grey hardcover notebook that served as John Brown's day book for the years 1897 to 1898. The last page with writing on it page 122 which ends with "Quit work at Indian Head Saturday (December) 31 - 1898. John Brown."
Brown, John
Ledger of John Brown - First blacksmith of Indian Head
Part of Businesses Collection
A beige and yellow hardcover ledger book that contains the records of business transactions made by John Brown in the years 1895 - 1898.
Brown, John