A large (21 cm X 33 cm) hardcover blue and beige 200-page notebook containing the meeting minutes for the Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company from 1904 to 1960.
Nine items of correspondence and financial records from the Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company ranging in date from 1919 - 1962 - many relating to transference of shares from deceased residents of the district.
An 83 cm by 75 cm map of the Indian Head Area Telephone Exchange showing the boundaries of all the independent rural telephone companies within the Indian Head Exchange Area from 1902 revised and updated to 1979. In 1975 (see IHM.2020.0187a), these consisted of Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company; Arcadia RTC; Rose Valley RTC; Fair Play RTC; Squirrel Hill RTC; Sunny South RTC; Deep Lake RTC. By 1979, three of the southern companies - Deep Lake RTC, Fair Play RTC and Squirrel Hills RTC had been turned over to SaskTel.
Map of the Indian Head Area Telephone Exchange showing the boundaries of all the independent rural telephone companies within the Indian Head Exchange Area from 1902 revised and updated to 1975. These consisted of Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company; Arcadia RTC; Rose Valley RTC; Fair Play RTC; Squirrel Hill RTC; Sunny South RTC; Deep Lake RTC
A 22 cm X 37 cm black hardcover book of stubs from stock certificates - does not include any certificates, only the stubs, which name the persons and numbers of stocks issued. The stock is for the Wide Awake Rural Telephone Company and were sold from 1912 to 1958.