History of Squirrel Hills Home Care Scrapbook Add to clipboard IHM.2020.0300 Item 1995 Part of Health Collection A large (34 cm X 38 cm) red 3-ring photo album containing photos and newspaper clippings about Squirrel Hills Home Care - the latest being about 1995. Squirrel Hills Home Care
Around the World in the Yacht Sunbeam Add to clipboard IHM.2020.0207 Item 1880 Part of Book Collection A small 12 cm X 19 cm) green 368-page hardcover book written by Anne Brassey and containing her memoirs from the trip she and her husband, Lord Thomas Brassey took around the world in their yacht, the Sunbeam, from July 1, 1876 to May 26, 1977. Brassey, Anne