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Orange Home (Indian Head Sask.) Avec objets numériques
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The Orange Benevolent Society 2004-2005 Calendar

A small calendar made by the Orange Benevolent Society with the final page describing the Orange Home and photos and messages from Maureen McGirr, president of the Orange Benevolent Society; Shirley Boychuk, R.W. Grand Mistress and Janice McBain, Executive Officer/Director of Care. The last page also has a donations form.

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Hayes Haven and the Orange Home

A photocopied two-page article from the Indian Head Wolseley News describing the history of the Orange Home and its eventual transition into Hayes Haven.

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The Orange Benevolent Society 1985-1986 Calendar

A 17 X 24 cm calendar with pictures of the children and feature articles, recipes, etc. Contains messages from officials of the Orange Lodge and Orange Benevolent Society and from the managers of the Orange Home and Orange Home Farm.

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Orange Home float

Horse-drawn Orange Home float with about 15 children and adults aboard. Grain elevators are in the background

Orange Home Coronation YearCalendar 1853

A laminated photocopy of the 1953 Coronation Year Calendar's November page. The page features the Orange Home in Indian Head with a group picture of 51 children and staff with the caption "1935 - Our Home Family - 1954".

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