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Wilson, John Hilton
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John H. Wilson

John Wilson, Indian Head's 12th Mayor. He held office from 1925 to 1927.

Jubilee School - 1907

A photograph of Jubilee School in 1907 with its students and teachers lined up outside it.

Front row L to R Dave Hamilton - Wm. Black - Will Livingstone - Roy Norton - Pat Holden - J. H. Wilson - Hugh McDermaid- Harold Wilson - George McDermaid

Back row L to R Ethel Livingstone (Mrs. Lloyd Brooks) - Miss Smith (Teacher) -Elizabeth Holden (Mrs. F. Middleton) - Ruby Livingstone (Mrs. H. Miles).

Jubilee School

Town of Indian Head Insurance Map

Book of 8 street maps with a universal key that together cover the entire town. Inscribed with "J. Hilton Wilson 1949 real estate and Sask G.I.O. agent" Original from1919 but has revisions in it from 1928.

The Western Canada Fire Underwriters' Association