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Only top-level descriptions Melfort & District Museum Melfort High School
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Hopkins, Charles Hillary fonds

  • CHH
  • Fonds
  • 1914 - 1996, predominant 1996

The fonds contains 23 black and white photographs, 21 black and white negatives, and 1 photocopy of a photograph from Charles Hillary Hopkins' private collection. The majority of the photographs were reprinted in 1996, but the original copies of these photographs date from the 1930's to 1959. The photographs were taken in Melfort, Saskatchewan and surrounding areas including the Stoney Creek and Whittome districts. They include images of Melfort High School (Melfort Collegiate Institute)students and staff, Broadway School students, snow plowing, and a flood.

Hopkins, Charles Hillary

Fitzgerald, Gerald fonds

  • 992-108.
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1930].

The fonds contains one black and white photograph from Gerald Fitzgerald's personal collection. The photograph depicts the Melfort High School's h ockey team from 1930-1931. The team was the winner of the Hobberlin Cup.

Gerald Fitzgerald

Evelyn Anderson collection

  • EAN
  • Fonds
  • [ca. 1911] - [ca. 1930]

The collection contains eight black and white photographs from Evelyn Anderson's personal fonds. The collection includes formal portraits of Evelyn Goodson taken in 1930, photographs of the Melfort Public School, the Melinda School, and the Melfort High School and students, as well as a photograph of a Goodson family gathering in the Naisberry district. Two photographs are copies made ca. 1996, while another photograph is a scanned copy made in 2003 all done by the Melfort & District Museum.

Anderson, Evelyn