- LRA 0975
- Item
- 1960
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Aerial view of highway 17 and wheat fields.
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Aerial view of highway 17 and wheat fields.
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Aerial view of fields and lake
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Sandy Beach Pavilion Dance Poster
Sin título
Civic Centre opening - Fashion Show
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
group dressed in early 1900's costumes
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Truck with canoe Alberta on top
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
12 people stand on stage and watch as another person speaks
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Aerial view of Sandy Beach
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Canadian Kodiak Refineries
Aerial view of northwest quadrant of Lloydminster
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
View of Northwest portion of Lloydminster with the old Catholic Church in foreground
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
9 members of the camera club pose for a group photo
Rural Municipality of Britannia No. 502 office
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
A. S. Pollard, S. M. Daly, J. Spencer Office, Farm Lands, Loans, Insurance, Coal Office, R. M. Office
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Horses and oxen sod-busting the prairie.
Parte deLRA Photograph Collection
Five men in white shirts and bow ties holding musical instruments behind a sign identifying them as the Harmony 5 Orchestra.