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George VI, King of the British Commonwealth
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7 resultados com objetos digitais Mostrar resultados com objetos digitais

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth riding in a convertible

King George VI and Queen Elizabeth riding in a convertible during their Royal Visit to Regina in May, 1939. This photograph was the winner of the 'Regina Daily Star's' contest for best photo taken of the Royal Couple; the prize was $10.00.

Your Majesties Train Caboose

Large group of people gathered around the caboose of a train on the train tracks. Some people are standing and sitting on the roofs of buildings in the background. Union Jack flags are strung up in rows and a white banner saying "Welcome Your Majesties To Biggar" is hung in the background

Queen Elizabeth and King George VI

Queen Elizabeth (later commonly referred to as 'the Queen Mum') and King George VI standing in front of the caboose of their train during a brief 'whistle stop' in Biggar, SK while on their 1939 Royal Tour of Canada.