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Bell, William R. (Maj.) With digital objects
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Bell barn and portable granaries

Bell barn photographed from the road (#56). There are farm implements in the foreground and portable wooden granaries on their sides beside the barn. The photograph was likely taken on the same day as IHM.2022.0075 and IHM.2022.0076.

Bell Farm house / headquarters

Bell Farm house/headquarters building photographed from the road (#56) with two people standing in the doorway and half of the Bell barn on the right of the picture.

Bell Farm house and barn

Bell Farm house and barn photographed from across the road (#56). There are horses and a wagon in front of the door of the house. The photograph was taken on the same day as IHM.2022.0075.

Letter from Dr. Edmond M. Eberts

Laminated newspaper article entitled "Interesting letter recalls early days of Indian Head and district" (date and newspaper not given). The article reproduces a letter written by Dr. Edmond M. Eberts - Professor of Surgery at McGill University, son of the Bell Farm's secretary-treasurer H.J. Eberts.

Newsclippings about the Bell Farm

Three newsclippings about the Bell Farm. "The farm that failed" (Leader-Post? - date?); "The Bell Farm: Largest 'bonanza' in the British Empire" (Free Press Weekly, March 4, 1972); "Major Billy's lovely legacy" (Western People, May 3, 1990)

View of the Bell farmyard in 1884

Laminated reproduction of a photo from the Notman Photographic Archives, McCord Museum of Canadian History, Montreal. The labels at the bottom of the photograph identify: "Bell Farmhouse"; "round stone barn"; "proposed new barn site" (with an arrow); "wooden barns".