This fonds reflects the historical research and writing conducted by Richard Dowson. Dowson has completed extensive research on Moose Jaw during WWII. It includes writings on George William ‘Bill’ Ward, a member of the Royal Canadian Air Force, and the history of Moose Jaw residents in relation to the sinking of the Line Athenia. It also includes the history of the Moose Jaw Dam-buster Airmen, Sergeant-Pilot Kenneth Brown and Pilot Officer Robert Alexander Urquhart.
This fonds contains five series, the first consists of the records kept by the War Services Council and the War Services Auxiliary. Included is an Honour Roll of Moose Jaw servicemen, reports of the Parcels and Records Committee, two binders of newspaper reports on local servicemen killed, missing in action, or taken prisoner of war. There are also acknowledgment and thank you letters from parents to Moose Jaw City Council for the memorials and tributes paid to their fallen sons. There are two scrapbooks of newspaper clippings of war-related news. The second series contains 2 Visitor Books and a Reception and Adopted Homes Book of the War Services Club. The third series is financial records, including receipts, statements and ledgers. The fourth series is made up of minutes, reports and by-laws. The final series is comprised of correspondence, including thank you notes and letters relating to ration amounts.