Graduating Class of 1951 in Biggar, Saskatchewan
- 98.530.254J
- Item
- ca.1951
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
The graduating class of 1951 posing for a group photo
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Graduating Class of 1951 in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
The graduating class of 1951 posing for a group photo
Graduating Class of 1951 in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
The graduating class of 1951 posing for a group photo on the steps of the United Church located on Third Avenue East in Biggar, Saskatchewan
The Grade Seven Class of 1945-46 in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of students on the steps of Thornton School on Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Graduating students on the steps of the United Church which is located on Third Avenue West in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Graduating students posing for a group photograph with a table of trophies on a stage