There is a girl sitting on a flatbed trailer which is decorated with streamers and a large model of a United grain Growers grain elevator; There are several signs on the trailer which read "The Farmers Company owned by B.C., Alta., Sask., Man.", "The Elevator System That Farmers Built", "Complete Farm Service", 05 Congratulations Saskatchewan 65"
Two women sitting on a car that is decorated with streamers and a banner which reads "St. Margaret's Hospital"; The car is on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan
A boy standing in the flatbed of a truck decorated with fabric and a model of Saskatchewan Wheat Pool grain elevator and a sign shaped like a stalk of wheat, reading "Saskatchewan Wheat Pool" and "Leading The Way in A Changing Agriculture"
Three women and two children on a flatbed trailer decorated with streamers and banners; Two men and two women are standing in front of the trailer; There is a sign on the sign of the ban that is obscured by the people in front
A flatbed trailer on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan, decorated with streamers and a large cake which reads "60 happy Birthday"; There is a woman sitting beside the cake; a banner on the trailer reads "Robinson Stores"
Black and white photograph of a car on Main Street in Biggar Saskatchewan decorated with a giant cake on top, banners and a sign which reads "Rann's Bakery 1917-1965"; there are two men in the car and a woman riding on the back of the car
A flatbed trailer being pulled by a truck; on the truck is a sign which reads "Horseshoe tournament 2 pm" and on the trailer is an outhouse with a sign which reads "Women Only"
A trailer being pulled by a truck on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; on the trailer is an outhouse with a woman inside and two people dressed as clowns climbing on the outside of the outhouse.
Four Children on a flatbed trailer decorated with banners, and plastic flowers, on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan Signs on the float read "Education The Key To Progress" and "Nova Wood Primary School 1905 1965"
A flatbed truck decorated with a model of a National grain grain elevator and a sign which reads "National Grain Company Limited ...Quarters...Chemicals"
A car decorated with plastic flowers and a cardboard box on the roof with a sign on the side reading "1911-1965 Majestic Theatre"; The car is on main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan and there is a girl sitting in the box
Four men standing on a flatbed trailer on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan, which is decorated with two large signs, one barrel shaped and one circular, reading "Lions International"; A sign on the side of the trailer reads "Help The Lions Help The Blind"