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Sjostrum, Elbert
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Meadowbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan

Five children standing in front of the Meadowbank School, three of the children are holding a banner which reads "Meadowbank", the other two are holding a stick of some sort. Children identified as: Back Jean Hunter Elbert Sjostrum Marian hunter 1 Gunar Sjostrum, Myrtle Hegarty

Meadowbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan

School children and teacher standing in front of the Meadowbank School; school children and teacher identified as: back row L to R Ruby Sjostrum, Wilfred Willis, Frank Frank Denton, Jean Hunter, Marian Hunter, Stanley Willis, Morley Meston Teacher Clara Ewold Standing in front of back row Dorothy Hunter, James Mann, Robert Hunter Kneeling Front Row Elbert Sjostrum, Emile Quilichini, Orval Sjostrum, Peter Quilichini Rose Quilichini

Meadowbank School near Biggar, Saskatchewan

School children standing in front of the Meadowbank School, three of the children are holding a banner which reads "Meadowbank"
Children identified as: L Hand side front to back 1 Violet Heather 2 Rose heather 3 Dorothy Hegarty 4 Rose Quilichini 5 __ Heather 6 Opal Dewitt 7 James Hegarty 8 Dorothy Hunter 9 Ruby Sjostrum 10 Jean Hunter 3 Children with banner Gunar Sjostrum, Elbert Sjostrum, Myrtle Heggarty R side Back to Front Marian Hunter Morley Meston Frank Denton Jim McIntosh Roy Slocton Orval Sjostrum Bob Hunter Emile Quilichini Ron McIntosh.