Dr. Shaw, Mrs. Shaw, and another woman standing in a grain field Written on the back in blue ink: "Dr. and Mrs. Shaw" Written on the back in pencil: "1915"
Doctor and Mrs. Shaw standing on the front porch of a house, surrounded by bushes Written on the back in pencil: "Dr & Mrs Shaw" Stamped on the back in blue ink: "7"
Five men standing in front of St. Paul's Anglican Church Rectory; Two of the men are wearing pastor's collars Written on the back in pencil: "Frank Hopkins, G.H. Smith, Bishop Hallon, Jack Miller, Rev. Bulleyment." Written on the back in black ink: "Dear Mrs Shaw I thought you would like to the Photos Taken during the Bishops visit last Sunday 40th Anniversary of St. Pauls when 11(Eleven) Adults and one Boy. w. addin were Confirmed we have the Bishop for all Services and this will be His last visit. Bishop Hallon leaves the Diocese on July 28th To become assistant Bishop of Huron and Professor of Huron College Photo from Right to left. Mr Hopkins, Mr G.H. Smith wardens(?). the Bishop. Mr Miller and the Pastor. taken at front door of rectory from sensirely Mr Bulleyment pastor"