The Excel Cafe Fire in Biggar, Saskatchewan
- 96.572.04C
- Item
- ca.1944
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A small crowd standing on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan, looking at a building engulfed in smoke
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The Excel Cafe Fire in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A small crowd standing on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan, looking at a building engulfed in smoke
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Bank of Commerce in Biggar, Sask.
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A view of Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The two closest businesses have signs which read: "The City Meat Market" and "The Canadian Bank of Commerce"
Bank of Commerce in Biggar, Sask.
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A view of Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan; The two closest businesses have signs which read: "The City Meat Market" and "The Canadian bank of Commerce"
Businessmen of Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of two women and nine men sitting and standing on the front porch of a house.
"Portion of 100 Block (West) Main Street Biggar"
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A view of several store fronts on Main Street in Biggar, SK
Signs on storefronts read from left to right: "Co-op"; "Biggar Bowling Ally"; "R.M. Biggar 147"; "The Canadian Bank of Commerce"
Written on the bottom of the photo: "656 Portion of 100 Block (West) main St. Biggar."
Written on the back in black ink: "1949"
Stamped on the back in black ink: "D31"