Nine men in work overalls posing for a group photo in front of some train cars Written on the back in blue ink: "1958 Rip Track Crew" Written on the back in pencil: "Front Row: Lft to Rt: Leo Campbell, George Harris Beaumont Dugas, Jack Booth, Jack Buston top Row: Don Rhuelen, Sandy williams (L.V.) Curly Heilman, Laverne Tarr." and "See CD & Booklet by R. Chamberlain IMG. 905"
Ten men grouped around a sign which reads "BRCA 1917 1957 Biggar Lodge 197" written on the back in pencil: "Ron Rhulen Beaumont Duggas Curly Heilman LDC Frank Armstrong (WPG) jack Booth Alf Poole Art Mansfield (MTL) Frank hoult 1957"
Three men and one woman; Two of the men are shaking hands and exchanging two packages Written underneath the picture in blue ink: "Leo Campbell & Elsie Don Ruhlen Bob Blaikie 1960"