A large crowd of people standing on train tracks, surrounding the caboose of a train The King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are standing in the caboose The Biggar Hotel can be seen in the background
King George VI and Queen Elizabeth riding in a convertible during their Royal Visit to Regina in May, 1939. This photograph was the winner of the 'Regina Daily Star's' contest for best photo taken of the Royal Couple; the prize was $10.00.
Queen Elizabeth, (commonly referred to as the Queen Mom) can be seen standing on the back of a train caboose waving to a crowd of people in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Union Jack flags and a sign reading "...Your majesties" can be seen in the background.
Queen Elizabeth, (commonly referred to as the Queen Mom) can be seen standing on the back of a train caboose waving to a crowd of people in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Union Jack flags and a sign reading "...Your majesties" can be seen in the background.
Queen Elizabeth (later commonly known as 'the Queen Mum') standing on a stage in front of a very large crowd during a stopover in Biggar, Saskatchewan while on their Royal Tour in the summer of 1939.