Three men standing beside a stack of dead geese, two of the men are each holding a goose A body of water can be seen behind them Written on the bottom: "52 geese shot at Biggar Oct 19th 1914." Written on the back in pencil: "L to R Mr wm Graham, Chaunce Playford, Charles Fallis" and "66%" and "Reproduction of 73.34.12"
A large number of boys sitting at a long table with two men serving them food, a woman and two toddlers standing beside a cook stove, and a tent off to the left side of the picture Written on the back in blue ink: "72.-12 Campground Lizard Lake 1928 Adults At Stove Left. Mrs Jim Page Serving back to camera J Mooney Far side of table W. graham Student Minister" Stamped on the back in black ink: "8 40"