Group/Team photograph of a soccer team in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Names of players written on side of postcard; they include: Back Row (left to right) - Johnson Whitworth, Brownlee, Rae Land, Adkin, Skinner V.P. Front Row (left to right) - Burgess, Anderson, Smith, Ellaby, Davie. Written on the back in pencil and blue ink: "L to R Back Row: TK Johnson W. Whitworth, D Brown Lee, G.R. McKay, Tom Land W.E. Adkin, H.C.Skinner 1st Row: R Burgess. WM Anderson, WM. Smith Pete Ellaby Jack Davie
Team photograph of the Biggar Soccer Team in 1923; players identified as: Front Row (left to right): R. Burgess, WM. Anderson, WM. Smith, P. Ellaby, J. Davie; Back Row (left to right): T.K. Johnson, W. Whitworth, D. Brownlee, G.R. McKay, T. Land, W.E. Adkin, H.C. Skinner Vice Pres.
James Large 2. 3. Leslie Komph. 4. William Smith 5. Fred Smith 6. Harold Duncan 7. Ernest Lamson 8. Victor Comernitzki 9. Mary Popoff 10. Pachal 11. Gertrude Meredith 12. Norma Chrysler 13. Mary Livingstone 14. Helen Pachal 15. Mary Winberg 16. Tom Benwell 17. Bob Christopherson 18. Dan Young 19. Gilbert Smith 20. Judson Carey 21. Mary Comernitski 22. Elva Switzer 23. Tena Winberg 24. 25. Tena Hansen 26. Lefie Hawes 27. Charlie McFarline 28. Harold Hopkins 29. Hackel Hilgen 30. John Comsrnitck 31. Carrie Meredith 32. Ellie Christopherson 33. Williams 34. Eoha Melvin 35. Gertrude Patrick 36. Teacher 37. Mr. Burke, Principal.