"First Kirk Session at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church"
- 97.215.53
- Stuk
- ca.1929
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Ten men posing for a group photograph; one of the men is wearing a clerical robe
"First Kirk Session at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Ten men posing for a group photograph; one of the men is wearing a clerical robe
A Boys Hockey Team in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Nine boys in hockey uniforms and gear, and two men, posing for a group photograph
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Two men walking in front of the burned out W.W. Miller Building in Biggar, SK. Fire occurred on January 1, 1928.
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Eight boys, 16 men and one dog standing in front of a wooden oil derrick with a sign which reads "Material Supplied by Reliance Lumber Co. Ltd."
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
An Interior view of W.W. Miller's Store in Biggar, Saskatchewan; Seven adults and two children are in the store
W.W. Miller's General Store in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Six people standing in front of W.W. Miler's General Store in Biggar, Saskatchewan; Two signs on the front of the building read "Purity Flour Makes More Bread and Better Bread" and "Gents Furnishings"; There is a horse and buggy beside the building
Hockey Team, Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group/Team photograph of a hockey team in Biggar, Saskatchewan. Names of players written on back of photograph, they include:
Back Row (left to right) - Percy Buckingham, C. McNiven, Ralph Markling, N. McNiven, Heck Mackenzie, W.W. Miller. Front Row (left to right) - Eph Hanna ?,Elmer Davis ?,Alphonse Turcott, George Miller, Minard Mackenzie, J Shepherd