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Stephenson, Frankie With digital objects
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"1945 At The Coast" in Vancouver, BC

Seven women on the steps of a house
Written on the back in pencil: "Copy of Frankie Dunbar original Date - 1945 at the coast Left to right - Mrs. Robinson (not a Biggarite, Mrs. Louise Wallin, Mrs. Crossley, Mrs. H.C. Skinner, Mrs. W.J. Small, Mrs. Frankie Stephenson & Mrs. Curren."

Five People By a Tree in Biggar, SK

Four women and one man standing around a tree with other trees in the background
Written on the back in pencil: "Left to right - Mrs. F. Stephenson, Jack Miller, Frankie Stephenson, Mrs Don Briggs, Mis Pearl Kent (later Mrs. Leslie Sommers) a date prior to 1920 Copy of Original picture borrowed from Frankie Stephenson (Dunbar)."
Written on the back in blue ink: "JM 34"

Group of People In Biggar, Saskatchewan

Seven men and eight women in a group in front of some trees
Written on the back in pencil: "Front Row: Bob Buchanan, Milt Dunbar, johnny Johnson, Nett McFarland, Jack Miller, Ruth Quinn (worked in WW Miller's Store), Anne Miller, Geo Dunbar, Helen Fowler (Broughtin), Marjory Frampton, Effie Dunbar, Geo Davidson?, Florence? (Fenny), Frankie Stephenson (Dunbar)"