Two men standing in a room full of billiard tables Written on the back in black ink: "side view of poolroom & albert & Mr Pook" Written on the back in pencil: "Newport Billiard Parlor - early 20's albert Malcolm & Alec Pook. bathroom & player piano at back of Barbershop area"
Two men standing behind a store counter full of tobacco products; the cupboards behind the men are also full of tobacco products A barbershop sink can be seen in the foreground Written on the back in black ink: "Front view of Albert Malcolm & Mr Pook alberts Hired man. The other one was out for a walk so missed getting his picture taken." Written on the back in pencil: "Newport Billiard Parlor in early 20's"
Three Barber chairs, mirrors and sinks Written on the back in black ink: "Newport Billiard parlor in early 20's with Barber Shop and Hot Bath Proprietor - Albert Malcolm Assistant Alec Pooke." and "barber Shop This being Taken on Sunday The barbers were not here" Written on the back in pencil: "note player piano behind seat in Barber Shop area also a bathroom" Written on the back in blue ink: "1920"