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Majestic Theatre (Biggar)
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Cast of "What Happened To Jones" in Biggar, Saskatchewan

Six women, six men, and two girls posing for a group photograph, the cast in a play produced in 1919 or 1920 Biggar, Saskatchewan called "What Happened to Jones". Names supplied on back of photograph include: Back Row H.ymone Pollock Frances Brown Leita McFarland Percy Hainstock? Eva? Seartas Percy Dunbar Sammy Pollock Front Row Bob Buchanhan Laverne McHague Koehler Mrs Ferguson Frankie "" Mr "" Anna Pollock girl (Mrs P. Dunbar) Nettie McFarland Sam Pollock"

Bird's Eye View of Biggar

Approximately 13 buildings beside dirt roads can be seen
Three signs on some of the buildings read from right to left: "Majestic"; "Biggar Hotel"; "Empire Hotel"
Written on the bottom: "Bird's Eye View of Biggar July 13-09 Moir""
Written on the back in black ink: "R.N. Blaikie"
Written on the back in pencil: "Emipre Hotel built by Ed Heather & a man by the name of O'Neil"

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