The Biggar Hotel in Biggar, Saskatchewan
- 80.415.23
- Item
- ca.1919
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of the Biggar Hotel with cars parked in front, located on First Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan
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The Biggar Hotel in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of the Biggar Hotel with cars parked in front, located on First Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A man stands in a field with the Biggar Hotel behind him in centre of image with a sign which reads "The Commercial Travelers Home The Biggar Hotel"
Blaikie, Bob (R.N.)
The 100 Block West Side of Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
An aerial view of the 100 block on the west side of main street in Biggar Saskatchewan
Two children can be seen on the sidewalk
The business signs that can be read from left to right are: "The Biggar Hotel"; "Miller Bros. Confectioners"; "Bowling Ally and Pool Room"; and "Billiard Hall Barber Shop"
Oxen and Cart in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Black and white photograph of two men sitting on a wooden cart which is hitched to two oxen. The Biggar Hotel and The Empire Hotel can be seen in the background; this would be located on Railway Avenue (First Avenue) in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Overlooking Business Section in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
An aerial view of downtown Biggar, Saskatchewan taken from the roof of The Biggar Hotel in First Avenue
"King and Queen of England" in Biggar, SK
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A large crowd of people standing on train tracks, surrounding the caboose of a train
The King George VI and Queen Elizabeth are standing in the caboose
The Biggar Hotel can be seen in the background
"Jamison Outfit Pulling Out of Biggar"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A long line of horses, wagons and men on First Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan
The Biggar Hotel and The Empire Hotel can be seen in the background
"Greetings From Biggar Saskatchewan"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A composite postcard with seven smaller pictures depicting different views of the town of Biggar, Saskatchewan; two pictures show the train station, three of the Biggar Hotel and Empire Hotel, one of the Round House, and one of The Biggar Square Deal Department Store and Bowling Alley and Pool Room.
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Six buildings beside dirt roads can be seen
Three signs on some of the buildings read from right to left: "Canadian Restaurant Restaurant"; "The Biggar Hotel"; "Empire Hotel"
Written on the bottom: "First Ave Biggar Sask"
Written on the back in black ink: "R.N. Blaikie"
First Avenue West in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of First Avenue West in Biggar, Saskatchewan
First Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of First Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Three elephants on main street in Biggar, SK
The closest elephant has a man riding it and a cloth sign on it which reads "Meet Me At The Biggar Hotel Good Meals Cool Beer Fine Liquors Good Cigars"
A man on a horse is beside the other two elephants which are being led by two other men and there are more people standing on the sidewalk
Two store signs read "Hardware and Furniture A.W. Mooney." and "Drug Store"
Written on the bottom: "Biggar. Sask."
Written on the back in blue ink: "Circus in Town Biggar 1913 J Shepherd"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Approximately 13 buildings beside dirt roads can be seen
Three signs on some of the buildings read from right to left: "Majestic"; "Biggar Hotel"; "Empire Hotel"
Written on the bottom: "Bird's Eye View of Biggar July 13-09 Moir""
Written on the back in black ink: "R.N. Blaikie"
Written on the back in pencil: "Emipre Hotel built by Ed Heather & a man by the name of O'Neil"
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A view of the town of Biggar, Saskatchewan from the rail yard at the south end of town. Two men can be seen standing in front of a small building in the rail yard. Both the Biggar Hotel and the Empire Hotel can bee seen in the background.