80 men standing and sitting in a group; the majority of them are wearing military uniforms Two buildings can be seen behind them, one with a sign reading "Empire Hotel" Written on black ink on the bottom: "1920" Written on the back in black ink: "1920" and "R.N.Blaikie R.N. Blaikie"
Approximately 13 buildings beside dirt roads can be seen Three signs on some of the buildings read from right to left: "Majestic"; "Biggar Hotel"; "Empire Hotel" Written on the bottom: "Bird's Eye View of Biggar July 13-09 Moir"" Written on the back in black ink: "R.N. Blaikie" Written on the back in pencil: "Emipre Hotel built by Ed Heather & a man by the name of O'Neil"
Six buildings beside dirt roads can be seen Three signs on some of the buildings read from right to left: "Canadian Restaurant Restaurant"; "The Biggar Hotel"; "Empire Hotel" Written on the bottom: "First Ave Biggar Sask" Written on the back in black ink: "R.N. Blaikie"
Three men on the front of a steam engine with the Empire Hotel in the background, which was located on the corner of Main Street and First Avenue in Biggar, Sakatchewan