Mayor Jones and Queeen Elizabeth II
- 77.70.28
- Item
- 1959
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
The mayor of Biggar, Saskatchewan, Lionel Jones, shaking hands with Queen Elizabeth II
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Mayor Jones and Queeen Elizabeth II
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
The mayor of Biggar, Saskatchewan, Lionel Jones, shaking hands with Queen Elizabeth II
Biggar Clinic Officially Opened in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
The Mayor of Biggar performing the ribbon cutting ceremony for the Biggar Medical Clinic
Five Men In Front Of A Building in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
There are five men standing in front of a building
Number Two Well In The Valley North of Biggar Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A view of the Number Two Well in the valley North of Biggar, Saskatchewan
Two trucks, a tractor and two men can be seen in front of it
Main Street, Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
A wooden cart with four oxen hitched to it stands on Main Street in Biggar, Saskatchewan, in front of the Drug Store and Ed H. Erickson's Hardware and Stoves.
One man is sitting on the wagon, one man is standing beside the oxen, and a man and boy are standing on the sidewalk behind the oxen.
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Jubilee Celebration in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Parte deBiggar Photograph Collection
Black and white photograph of eight men and one woman standing behind a banner made of Dominion of Canada flags