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Fowler, Helen
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School Fair in Biggar, Sasakatchewan

Group photograph of students and teacher standing on the steps of the Biggar Public school in Biggar, Saskatchewan; Union Jack flags are hung above the door and two girls at the front of the group are holding a banner.

Biggar School Teachers

School teachers in Biggar, Saskatchewan; those identified are: Back Row (left to right) Nellie McLean, __, __, __,__, Frank Wild, __, __Seated: __, E. Norgord, Helen Fowler

Group of People In Biggar, Saskatchewan

Seven men and eight women in a group in front of some trees
Written on the back in pencil: "Front Row: Bob Buchanan, Milt Dunbar, johnny Johnson, Nett McFarland, Jack Miller, Ruth Quinn (worked in WW Miller's Store), Anne Miller, Geo Dunbar, Helen Fowler (Broughtin), Marjory Frampton, Effie Dunbar, Geo Davidson?, Florence? (Fenny), Frankie Stephenson (Dunbar)"

Teachers - Biggar, Saskatchewan

Group photo of ten women and one man standing and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge, tree and building; "Written on the back in pencil: "Back Row: L to R- Nellie McLean __, __ ,, __Frank Wild __, Seated: ___, Evelyn Norgord, Helen Fowler

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