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Norgord, Evelyn
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Stagettes 1939

Twenty women and one dog standing and sitting in front of the doorway of a building; individuals identified as: Frank Ford's dog Red. Top Bea Grenkie, McCaig, Sis (Anita) Stewart, __ Lovina Butt, Muriel White, Lorence Brown (?) teacher, Irene Calvert, Freda Wood, Eleanor Brown, Elizabeth Dickson, Kay Pointz, __ Kay Ellis, Lorrie Cox (kneeling), __ Verna Watson, Evelyn Norgord, Frances McPherson (teacher), Gladys Lindgren"

Biggar School Teachers

School teachers in Biggar, Saskatchewan; those identified are: Back Row (left to right) Nellie McLean, __, __, __,__, Frank Wild, __, __Seated: __, E. Norgord, Helen Fowler

The Biggar Ladies Chorus

Group photograph of sixteen women, the Biggar, Ladies Chorus, at the McKenzie family house, 306 4th Avenue in Biggar, Saskatchewan.

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