Group photo of ten women and one man standing and sitting on the grass in front of a hedge, tree and building; "Written on the back in pencil: "Back Row: L to R- Nellie McLean __, __ ,, __Frank Wild __, Seated: ___, Evelyn Norgord, Helen Fowler
School teachers in Biggar, Saskatchewan; those identified are: Back Row (left to right) Nellie McLean, __, __, __,__, Frank Wild, __, __Seated: __, E. Norgord, Helen Fowler
Group photograph of school teachers in Biggar,, Saskatchewan; those identified are: Jack Truscott; Carson Tufts; Harold Jones; Reid Elliot; 2nd Row: Nellie McLean; Doris Kickpatrick; Anne (James) Buchanas; Bottom: Mary Bridge; Lovina (Butt) Buchanan; Kay (Ellis) Turnbull; Evelyn Norgord; Dorothy Scurfield"