- 74.210.25
- Item
- ca.1933
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Team photograph of a ladies curling team posing with a trophy; team members identified: Fergie Jean McK Doris Fenby Ford
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Team photograph of a ladies curling team posing with a trophy; team members identified: Fergie Jean McK Doris Fenby Ford
After Picnic Ball Game in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of thirteen girls and three men at a picnic in Biggar, Saskatchewan
At Stan Teasdale's Farm near Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of a man and three women at Stan Teasdale's farm near Biggar, Saskatchewan in the summer of 1962; those identified in the photograph are: "Frank, Perce Bach, Fergie, Zella Manlow
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of the Biggar,School Band in Biggar, Saskatchewan; band members identified as: Ben Robinson leader. Back Row: Scott Glover, Jack Mooney, Hae Wood, George Miller, Norman McNevin, George Glover, Murray Randall, Gordon McNevin 2nd row: Reuben Pollock, Myrtle Meridith, Ethel Frampton, Ruby Henway, Alice Barnett Front row: Lenore Miller, Aileen Lewis, Frankie Ferguson, Naomi Skinner, Beatrice Robinson. Written on the snare drum in front of the man: "Biggar School Band"
Business Owners and Families of Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Eight men, six women, and four children standing outside together for a group photograph
Cann Farm near Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Four girls sitting on the side of a car and one girl standing beside the car; a buggy can be seen in the background
Cast members of a Play, Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Seven girls dressed in costume for a play.
G. Davidson
Cast of "The Private Secretary" in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of the cast of "The Private Secretary" (Six women, six men, and one girl); identified are: Back row (left to right): Nett McFarland, Himmie Pollock, Phyllis Leslie, Etta Yingst, Morlon Honey, Perce Dunbar, Leta McFarland, Dollie Dunbar; Front row (left to right): Bob Buchanan, Eloise Ferguson, Frankie Ferguson, Ed Ferguson.
Cast of "What Happened To Jones" in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Six women, six men, and two girls posing for a group photograph, the cast in a play produced in 1919 or 1920 Biggar, Saskatchewan called "What Happened to Jones". Names supplied on back of photograph include: Back Row H.ymone Pollock Frances Brown Leita McFarland Percy Hainstock? Eva? Seartas Percy Dunbar Sammy Pollock Front Row Bob Buchanhan Laverne McHague Koehler Mrs Ferguson Frankie "" Mr "" Anna Pollock girl (Mrs P. Dunbar) Nettie McFarland Sam Pollock"
Cast of 'What happened To Jones' in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of the cast of 'What Happened to Jones' in Biggar, Saskatchewan. ix women, six men and two girls posing for a group photograph; cast members identified as: Himmie Pollock, Frances Brown, Leta McFarland, Percy Hainstock druggist, Winona Searle teacher, Perce Dunbar, Sam Pollock, Bob Buchanan, Laverne McHarque, Eloise Ferguson, Anna Pollock, Frankie Ferguson, Ed Ferguson, Nett McFarland teacher.
"Frances Ferguson" in Biggar, SK
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Three women and one child posing for a group photograph
Printed on the back in a pattern: "This Paper manufactured By Kodak"
Frankie Ferguson's Birthday Party
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group photograph of 15 girls and one woman posing for a group photograph on the snow, in front of a small wooden building which was located on the second block of Fifth Street East in Biggar, Saskatchewan.
Frankie Ferguson's Birthday Party
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
A group of 15 girls and one woman posing for a group photograph on the snow, in front of a small wooden building; those attending the birthday party identified as: front (left to right) ?, Lucy Clark, Ruth Ellis, Ave Dunbar, F., Verna Pettigrew, Eleanor cowan, ?; back (left to right) Edith Ellis, Mae Davidson, Jean Richmond, ?, Mabel Moody, ?, Alma Pettigrew
'Girls Tribly Chorus' in Biggar, Saskatchewan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Group photograph of the 'Girls Tribly Chorus' in Biggar, Saskatchewan; members identified as: Back row (left to right): Frankie Ferguson Kranz, Ethel Pollock, Della Boyler, Mrs. Alma Whittick, Anna Pollock, Jean McKenzie, Margaret Dickson; Centre row (left to right): Grace Wilde?/, Eileen Jardine, Doris Barnett, Willa brace, Ethel Malcolm?, Hazel Larson?[crossed out] Anderson, Betty Scott; Front row (left to right): Doris Fenby, Lucy Clark, Muriel Bonter, Grace Dyer, Anna Buchanan
Part of Biggar Photograph Collection
Teachers posing in front of a brick building and trees. Ada Fraser, Lorraine Brown, Mary Bridge, Bea Grenke, Frankie Ferguson, Mrs. J Fraser, J. Fraser, Ann Bourke