Wesley Methodist Church Senior Girls Bible Class
- H-132
- Item
- [190-?]
Part of PAHS Archives Collection
Wesley Methoidst Church Senior Girls Bible Class. 34 students and staff are listed. Top row left to right: Lilian Kettlwell, Grace King, Dorothy Chisholm, Leoma Asler, Helen Muzzy, Edna Endacott. Second row from top: Violet Jones, Daisy Pearson, Nellie Coster, Betty Plaxton. Third row from top: Thelma Stewart, Reta Powell, Adelene Powell, Corinne Zoellner (President), CIcely Plaxton, Florence Hodgson, Kathleen England. Third row from bottom: Hazel Breeden, Helen Shannon, Mrs. C.B. Lawson (Teacher), Vesta Yockey, Jennie Plaxton. Second row from bottom: Gladys Hall, Gladys Breeden, Hilda Hilda Bennett, Bea Brown (Vice President), Margaret Shannon, Laura Johnson, Rosella Cheney. Bottom row: Ada Parker, WInnabel Brown, Lottie SImpson (Secretary), Vera Muzzy, Daisy Coster