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Apenas descrições de nível superior Churches - Methodist√
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Metcalf Family fonds

  • MJ-003
  • Fundo
  • 1860-1958

This fonds contains several series of historical documents of the Metcalf family, including a portion of a family tree, various legal documents of the said family, letters of reference and court records of South Dakota.

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Church Histories collection

  • FG 19
  • Coleção
  • ca.1925–1986

The collection consists primarily of documents relating to the histories of various local churches in Saskatchewan. Contents include written historical narratives (sketches) and notes, newspaper articles, pamphlets, and publications. Among these are volumes 1 and 2 of the local history book "Early History of Saskatchewan Churches (Grass Roots)", compiled and edited by Meredith B. Banting, ca.1975.