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Gilbert Austin collection

  • 2001-88
  • Collection
  • [191-?] [192-?]

The collection contains two photographs. They were taken between the 1910's and 1920's. They include an image of a work bee planting a crop for Mrs. Brice after her husband's death and an image of two people standing with a tractor.

Austin, Gilbert

Reeder, Eleanor fonds

  • ERD
  • Fonds
  • 1998

The fonds contains twelve reprinted black and white photographs with matching negatives from Eleanor Reeder and her brother Clarance McAusland's personal collections. The original photographs date from the 1920's to the 1960's. The photographs were taken Melfort, Saskatchewan and in Okotoks, Alberta. They include images of Melfort View S.D. #121, a Girls Farm Camp, farming activities, grain elevators, and the Melfort Post Office.

Eleanor Reeder