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Only top-level descriptions University of Saskatchewan - Regina Campus√
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Ray F.E. Harvey fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1949-1969, predominant 1966-1968

Fonds consists primarily of records generated by two committees: the Saskatchewan Department of Education's Committee of Inquiry on Teacher Salary Negotiation Procedures, 1966-67, and the University of Saskatchewan's Joint Committee on Higher Education, 1965-68. Dr. Harvey was a member of the Joint Committee on Higher Education and was chairman of the Regina Campus Sub-Committee. The major purposes of the Joint Committee were: to examine all aspects of post-secondary education; to examine the feasibility of establishing several colleges in defined regions of the province to further the economic and cultural development of the region; and to examine and evaluate the articulation of all formal and informal educational programs in a community.

Harvey, Ray Francis Ethelred

Margaret Messer fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1916-1986

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers created by Margaret Messer. Arranged in six series (Education, General, Teaching, Organizations, Publications, and Scrapbooks) the records document her activities as a teacher, art educator, writer, and illustrator, as well as her own education and training and her involvement with several professional groups. A large part of the collection contains information on art education programs at Balfour Technical School (1945-1974) and at the University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus (ca. 1966-1984) where she was a significant influence on program development. Of particular note is the series of publications which includes articles and books written or illustrated by Messer (1946-1973). Publications of the Saskatchewan Society for Education through Art (SSEA) are found in the Organizations series, along with papers, correspondence, conference materials, minutes, newsletters, and other records pertaining to her involvement with the SSEA (1961-1985), the Canadian Society for Education through Art (1962-1984), the Saskatchewan Arts Board (1947-1970), and others. General Files (1927-1986), containing biographical information, art commissions, personal and professional correspondence, curriculum materials, travel logs, drawings by Messer, and memorabilia, provide additional insight into her life and career.

Messer, Margaret

John B. Mantle fonds

  • Fonds
  • 1937-1976

Fonds consists of personal and professional papers of Dean of Engineering John B. Mantle, 1937-1976. The records have not been processed but the following series can be identified: Student Notebooks (1939-1941, 1946-1947, 1963-1964); Teaching (1949-1967); Publications and Papers by Mantle (1948-1970); Research Papers by Others (1937-1976); Photographs (1948-1954); University of Saskatchewan, Regina Campus Committees (1973); and Professional Associations (1962-1974). The last two series contain the transcripts and report of the Senior Academic Committee Subcommittee Studying Student Participation in University Government; and correspondence, reports, meeting materials, minutes, procedures, syllabus of examination, and other documentation of the Canadian Accreditation Board of the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers, including accreditation visits to the University of Western Ontario, the University of Calgary, and the University of Manitoba. The photos in this fonds depict University of Saskatchewan Mechanical Engineering classes and R.C.A.F Squadron groups. The Teaching files contain student papers, lab assignments, instructional materials, memoranda and background papers pertaining to classes taught by John B. Mantle, and the Research Papers relate chiefly to photoelasticity. In addition to published articles by John Mantle, the Publications and Papers series includes correspondence, photographs, diagrams, lab reports, drafts, and unpublished papers.

Mantle, John B.